Mother God

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Mother God: (and NO, this is not about the twisted cult leader who believed herself to be God).

Grand rising soul family.

It is on my heart this beautiful day, to bring forth some awareness of the mother God principle that has been lost and buried for thousands of years on our earth.

Gnostics have for so long, understood the importance of the balance between masculine and feminine energies in all our our works as it is part of divine spiritual law. But on earth has been deeply damaged causing great chaos on the planet. The persecution of the divine feminine and her long time oppression. (This does BOTH mean that masculines do not have wounds) in fact they have many. But this is to address the repression of the feminines within . Religious culture, which is anti Kryst/ anti Christ. And stems from archonoc (et implants).

Any Alchemist will also tell you, that this cannot occur for a true unified field to be created. There needs to be equal and opposite forces to propel the two forward. What this means is that, masculine and feminine must be harmonized in order for either to ascend or evolve.

The feminines have been prevented from entering into the earth “priesthood” by patriarchal perceptions (demonic gate keepers) , which are not aligned with divine truth or divine law. Causing tremendous spiritual infections spread throughout the earth like a cancer. We see now so many masculine “leaders” in religious and spiritual institutions who abuse the power and molest young children, harm women , oppress different cultures and so much more ). The imbalances are taking hold and have corrupted the essence of anything sacred that once resided within the institutions.

One of the most dangerous things that can occur is to allow one group of beings to feel more superior to others. It is not aligned with source. As none are better than others. Christ tried to teach this, but later they used him and put him on a pedastool to continue this distorted imbalance). As, over time, the head gets so big, they float so far away from reality until they are detached from anything real. We see this on many cultures now that use the holy name of God to justify raping women and children, or to take little boy slaves to feed upon them in a sick distorted way. All in the name of whatever “god” they preach to serve.

We have witnessed this even with churches and the massive underground tunnels with children being abused and so much more. This has happened within all religious . Not to say that all religions are bad. All of them have good within them. But unfortunately the infection has spread throughout humanity. In the hearts and minds of many who worship their ego and demonic forces and not the essence of GOD/LOVE.

Society is breaking down now for these reasons. Only those who truly know the divine are going to make it through now.

The systems are collapsing because they have been built on lies. One cannot take from another and rise. They will eventually have to pay their dues.

We now are facing the collapse of the old and the rise of the divine feminine , who has been buried in the dirt even below all of the races. It is she who has been carrying the burden of oppression above all others. It is she who has been persecuted and made into a slave. It is time now for the goddess to rise. In this , all of humanity will heal.

For those who understand me , I salute you. For those who do not, I salute you.

May the goddess rise now and set right all that is wrong.

Ellen Redd/ Gnostic Alchemist


Internationally Renowned Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher Ellen Redd.