The end of Kali Yuga

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Greetings family of light:
Today is an extraordinary day in our forward progression as a human collective. It is the official day that the Kali Yuga ends and the Golden age begins.
The mahurta window where the earth , the Milky Way, and the ascencion portal all align . It is a small window that will open now for the ascending family to enter into the new era of the golden dawn.
Old chapters are ending. A new way of life is beggining. You have watched the death of the old world as things have been falling away from your reality and collapsing like dead skin falling at your feet .
The new age , the golden era is a thousand year window where humanity will now shift into a world aligned with the spiritual laws. No longer will humanity agree to worshipping fake celebrities who promote satanic culture. No longer will humanity agree to allow corrupt politicians to govern their lives and their monies. No longer will humanity support greedy corporations who do not serve their highest good. The new age of the golden era begins today!!!!
Rejoice and celebrate and the next 1000 years on earth will be a time of the restoration of the golden light of Christ/ God and the light on which sparks the flame within each of you.
Today is a good time now to meditate on how we want the new earth to look. It is after all, WE who co create the world woth our own thoughts, and deeds.
As we enter into the golden age, spend time now reflecting on what you don’t like, so tou can redirect the energy, building what you do like instead. Let’s use this magnificent window to turn the world around.
You were chosen for this. You were called into this magnificent window right now , to change the world. Today is the official day that the new world / new earth begins. 🎊✨🎉
~Ellen Redd /Melkizadek Priestess

Enter into the Golden Age

The Golden Age is born


Internationally Renowned Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher Ellen Redd.