The spider People – Aranea

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Who are the spider people?

These beings also known as Aranea, are a dark group of archon demons who work on other dimensions against the highest good of humanity.

These are beings, who can shape shift in both human and non human form on the astral realms.

The Aranea are a formof Chimera , a creation of the dark “lords” whom pervert the balance of nature and have worked against the holy order of the higher power.

I have been shown by the spirit guides for several years now , and through remote viewing 🔮 some very dangerous beings on the earth and in the Astral planes around these beings.

My warning to humanity, is that you be very protective of your freedoms. Do not ever ever ever let them talk you out of the constitution in the United States (and hemp others fight globally too). Humanity is slowly being choked by an invisible spider web that most cannot see. 🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️

You must pay attention to your freedoms! This is of the highest importance. You must work daily to fight for them. In every single way.

The Aranea are extremely clever and work quietly to weave a web around tou that will catch you on their sticky trap (and vibrational web) . This is another layer of matrix that most have no idea how to comprehend. 👁️🔮


Internationally Renowned Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher Ellen Redd.